Upcoming Meetings – All Committee events and meetings have been put on hold due to Covid-19. Please check back often for updates!
Partnering with Nampa Chamber, Agri-business will work to protect the agricultural integrity of our community assessing farmland and community growth.
Ambassador Committee
Work with Chamber staff to build member relationships, assist with events, and serve our staff, membership, and community as needed.
Education Committee
This committee consists of representation from both school districts and local colleges as well as Chamber members, to support all students in our community.
Government Affairs
Create a position statement for our city/county to be presented to city, county, and state representatives to ensure that the needs of our community businesses are represented on a legislative level.
Land Use Committee
Participate with city and county entities to ensure development plans do not impede agricultural viability in Canyon County.
Membership Committee
Build a dues structure that will be reasonable for our members while supporting the revenue base for the Chamber.
Transportation Committee
Work together with Nampa to support the growth and needs of Canyon County roadways and public transportation